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Stamp it Out unveils logo for its public facing Think Respect campaign

Stamp it Out launch logo for its public-facing "think respect" campaign.

Stamp it Out, the industry wide programme designed to make abuse of the workforce publicly unacceptable, are delighted to launch the official branding for this year's public facing "think respect" campaign.

Activity during the week for the public facing campaign will focus upon communicating with members of the public and the media to reinforce the message that abuse of those carrying out public facing roles is wholly unacceptable and as a society should not be tolerated.

Taking place W/C 11th March 2024, the week will feature a series of localised media campaigns across the UK aimed at the road user as well as a number of initiatives by the supply chain aimed at reinforcing the Stamp it Out message to the workforce.

Speaking about the launch of the branding and indeed the first sneak peek at some of the messaging, Kevin Robinson, Programme Director for Stamp it Out said,

"One of the biggest goals for our programme has always been to better communicate with those using our roads that when they come across the workforce they are carrying out vital works to maintain and repair the public highway.

"Our aim through the #thinkrespect campaign and respect our workforce week is to do exactly this.

"There needs to be a greater understanding of the vital role these people play in keeping our roads moving but at the same time respect is something which has to go both ways so we are aiming to enable our workforce to engage with the public in a positive manner and as such reduce the conflict which sadly seems to be so frequent on the network."

Respect our Workforce Week will also see the launch of specially liveried Traffic Management and Civil Engineering vehicles, a decision driven in principle by leading client organisations and their key contractors.

With many local authorities already signed up to to the Stamp it Out commitment the week will feature a series of both industry and public facing campaigns aimed at highlighting the high levels of abuse our workforces face on a weekly basis with almost 50% of those carrying out works on the public highways experiencing abuse on a weekly basis.

Supporting the campaign, Dave Shaw, Director of HW Martin Traffic Management said,

"For many years we have seen significant challenges with members of the public entering our worksites, either in vehicles or on foot and posing a risk to our workforce.

"As an industry, we have a duty of care to those we put to work and removing the risk of abuse, both verbal and physical is a key element of this.

"That is why we as an organisation will offer unequivocal support to both the Stamp it Out programme and the #thinkrespect campaign."

Other elements such as branded PPE designs for organisations to adopt and targeted signage as well as high level engagement with both government and the police will also form key components of the campaign with further details to follow.

Further public facing events are already in the planning under the #thinkrespect brand with details to follow.

For more information on the broader Stamp it Out programme visit the website at

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