With roadworker abuse becoming a subject which is high on the agenda of many within the supply chain Stamp it Out, the industry wide programme designed to eliminate the blight on our sector, have launched a commitment document which it implores all clients and contractors to support and sign.
Good leaders recognise that effective management of roadworker abuse is a key imperitive in keeping our people safe and well on the public highway.
When it comes to managing the risk we put our people under when they encounter aggression from members of the road using public we need to stand together as an industry and say, as a collective, that enough is enough.
Over 50% of roadworkers admit that they encounter abuse on a weekly basis with 70% saying that this is something which occurs at least once a month.
As effective leaders in our sector you will…
manage business risk effectively through strong values because it’s the right thing to do;
prioritise the safety of your people;
ensure that when your people are exposed to risk of abuse you empower them to speak up;
demonstrate to your workforce that you will not tolerate the abuse they find themselves exposed to on a daily basis.
importantly they demonstrate that leadership clearly in all engagement with their employees, through all the statements they make and all the actions they take.
ensure that managing roadworker abuse is on the agenda at regular scheduled board meetings with regular reporting of costs which they build into a series of KPIs for people at all levels of the business.
By signing the Stamp it Out commitment, you, as a business leader commit to:
ensuring a robust reporting system for the reporting of roadworker abuse in an open and honest way without a fear of recrimination or reprisal amongst your workforce.
demonstrate to your workforce that their personal safety is a key priority for your business.
deliver effective de-escalation training within the organisation to ensure that when a potential flashpoint situation occurs the workforce have the appropriate soft skills to effectively communicate with the customer.
disseminate the importance to the business of managing the risks posed by abuse to our workforce is conveyed through a published leadership statement which all employees are made aware of. Leading by example is key to the authenticity and power of this statement.

By signing the Stamp it Out Commitment you agree to the programme using your company to promote messages and engagement across the supply chain and to disseminate those messages internally to your own workforce and proactively encourage the reporting of abuse whether large or small.