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Stamp it Out to Host a Round Table Discussion Around Abuse

Stamp it Out, the Safer Highways led programme aiming to eradicate workforce abuse is to host a high level round table discussion around the subject of #thinkrespect.

Featuring a number of key thought leaders and industry professionals from across the Highways and Construction sector, as well as law enforcement agencies such as the police, the event will act as the pre-curser to this year’s respect our workforce summit.

Taking place on Thursday 1st February 2024 the frank and open discussion, carried out under Chatham House rules will cover key topics including:

· How we enable law enforcement agencies to successfully bring prosecutions against those committing incursions and abuse.

· How can we, as industry, better communicate with the road user

· The challenges around empowering our workforce to report instances of abuse.

· The role of technology in reducing abuse and incursions on the network

· How we better enable cross supply chain communications around high risk hotspots.

Chaired by Adrian Tatum, former editor of Surveyor Magazine, the outputs of the round table will then form the key discussion points for a panel discussion at the respect our workforce summit which takes place in March of the same year.

Confirmed attendees for the event include Mel Clarke, Health and Safety director of National Highways, David Shaw, Director of HW Martin, an industry leading traffic management company as well as representatives from the recovery sector and many other industry thought leaders and a traffic management supervisor who can truly give an honest insight into the challenges our people face on a daily basis.

Speaking at the announcement of the Round Table and its aims, the event chair, Adrian Tatum said,

“This round table is the latest step in truly tackling the issues of incursions into worksites and roadworker abuse.

“Our aim is to start a discussion around how we not only combat the issue but also to find innovative solutions to removing the risks to our workforce through better design of schemes to ensure that we drive down the levels of interaction our people have with the road user and members of the public.”

Echoing the sentiment, Dave Shaw, Director of HW Martin said,

“We have a moral responsibility to those we put to work daily to ensure that we do everything within our power to protect them and only by coming together as both client and contractor under a single voice van we do this and truly affect real change.”

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