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Hatton Traffic Management commits to ‘Stamp it Out’ campaign by signing the commitment pledge

In a bid to help end roadworker abuse, Hatton Traffic Management have joined other highways industry leaders in signing up to the Stamp it Out commitment.

With workforce abuse becoming a subject which is high on the agenda of many within the supply chain Stamp it Out, the industry wide programme designed to eliminate the blight on our sector, have launched a commitment document which it implores all clients and contractors to support and sign.

Good leaders recognise that effective management of roadworker abuse is a key imperative in keeping our people safe and well on the public highway.

When it comes to managing the risk we put our people under when they encounter aggression from members of the road using public we need to stand together as an industry and say, as a collective, that enough is enough.

Over 50% of roadworkers admit that they encounter abuse on a weekly basis with 70% saying that this is something which occurs at least once a month. Stamp it Out is a vital programme which brings businesses together as a single industry voice to say that enough is enough and road worker abuse will not be tolerated.

Speaking about Hatton signing the commitment, Stamp It Out Project Director, Kevin Robinson said: “In the two and a half years since we founded the Stamp it Out programme we have made considerable progress. But it is now the turn of the client and supply chain to help us to drive the programme. To see forward thinking organisations such as Hatton buying into our ethos is something which, as an industry, we should applaud.”

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