VMS Sign makers unite behind the Stamp it Out message
Variable Message sign manufacturers and distributors have tied behind the Stamp it Out campaign to find innovative ways to display a zero tolerance message around workforce abuse.
Following yesterday's announcement that John Sisk and Sons have become the latest contractor to display the static signs on their A14 scheme, Kevin Robinson, Project director of Stamp it Out issued a challenge to VMS suppliers to do the same.
First up were MVIS who answered the call within 24 hours to display what a message on a VMS could potentially look like (see video below)
This was closely followed by an image taken at todays LCRIC festival from Andrew Leigh, Business Development Manager at Roadside Technologies.
Speaking about the huge groundswell to a post on his on social media which had 35,000 views and 169 likes inside 24 hours, Kevin Robinson said,
"It is quite frankly unbelievable to see how the industry comes together to highlight challenges such as roadworker abuse.
"Individuals who on a day to day basis are competitors suddenly uniting behind a single message.
"Granted we know there will be challenges to get this deployed across the network but where there is a will there is a way and I applaud these individuals alongside others we haven't mentioned for truly taking the bit between their teeth to find a solution to a challenge.
"Prioritising the safety of those we put to work has to be our number one imperative and as such any small steps we can take to demonstrate a zero tolerance approach to workforce abuse must be applauded irrespective of your team's colours."