Programme receives financial backing from Kent CC to rollout the programme across all of those working on the public highways in the county.
In a groundbreaking move, Kent County Council and Stamp it Out are to roll out the full programme across all those who work on the public highway.
The programme, which will be funded via the county's pioneering lane rental fund will all Stamp it Out to:
Deploy and integrate the Jarvis reporting tool into existing Kent CC systems.
Provide conflict avoidance training for all operatives with a public facing role on the highways.
Provide visual deterrent signage across the contract.
Engage with local media to disseminate the message that abuse of those working on the public highways will not be tolerated.
Across the South East in 2023 there were a total of 360 cases of abuse reported in the year, of those 324 were verbal abuse ranging from minor insults to threats of violence and most worryingly 36 cases which resulted in some form of physical assault.
Speaking about the proactive move by Kent CC to tackle the abuser of its workforce, Stamp it Out Programme Director Kevin Robinson said.
"Abuse is becoming a much bigger problem than we have seen in previous years with a 53% increase over the last 12 months alone.
"This issue has a massive impact upon the mental health of those we put to work and as such means that retention of the existing workforce and the recruitment of new employees are both a significant challenge.
"In taking a front foot approach to the issue of abuse of the workforce, I applaud Kent CC and cannot wait to begin formulating the plans for a strategic rollout across the workforce."