Stamp it Out, the industry wide programme aimed at tackling abuse on both the high speed and urban network is now beginning its search for this years respect our roadworkers week.
Road worker abuse is a growing problem on both the local and strategic road networks in the UK, affecting the physical and mental health and wellbeing of road workers on an alarmingly regular basis.
Over 50% of roadworkers admit either being verbally or physically abused on a weekly basis with the figure rising to close to all of our workforce each month.
Past incidents have been so severe, they have involved knives, shotguns and crossbows being pulled on workers as they go about their daily tasks. ​
We believe this is wholly unacceptable and want to see abuse of all kinds whether verbal or physical, become socially unacceptable on all road networks and indeed on the wider transport networks.
Taking place week commencing 26th June, the week will represent the first time, as an industry, both clients and contractors have come together behind a single message - in this case eradicating the abuse of people going about their work on the public highway.
Achievemts to date include
development of a common reporting tool with an open API enabling data to be transferred both cross organisation and also cross sector
Development of an information board sign to be placed at the start of worksites (see left) informing members of the public that as a sector we adopt a zero tolerance approach to abuse - something which the Department for Transport are keen to fast track through chapter 8 approval
Planned development of free to access video based conflict de-escalation boards for all worksites and organisations
Our aspiration now is to begin to communicate with the road using public about why it is unacceptable to abuse roadworkers, who are just going about their daily work to improve our roads for those who use them.
But in order to do this we need a media partner with significant reach, prepared to throw their wight behind the programme and donate air time to raise the issue, as programme director Kevin Robinson explains,
"Abuse of the workforce across the transportation sector is nothing new and actually hampers our efforts to attract the top talent into our industry.
"Stamp it Out represents a front foot approach to tackling the issue. Through our efforts to date we have established that there is a problem with abuse on the network and indeed the levels are frightening.
"However, in talking to our own sector we are telling them of a problem they already know exists, therefore we must explore a different approach.
"For the Stamp it Out team that has to be through the medium of media to connect with the road using public to essentially make it socially in a table to abuse our workforce in the same way it would be to drink drive or smoke in an indoor public place.
"But in order to do that we need a way of communicating with the road user and as most people driving their cars are listening to the radio this was the obvious choice, alongside a presence on the television networks."
Until now this has been beyond the means of a programme funded by a membership organisation in Safer Highways, a community interest company borne out of the sector it seeks to serve, with multiple demands on finance, as Mr Robinson goes on to explain,
"Simply put there were physical tools such as the reporting app and database and the signs which took priority, we had a limited budget and in the first instance we had to prove there was an issue and come up with a short-term solution. As we start to focus more medium term we will have the same challenges , hence the need for a supporting media partner.
So what is the ask from Stamp it Out and what does the respected media get in exchange:
The ask to the media partner
Free or low cost advertising
Presence across news platforms on both a local and national scale to highlight the issue
Coverage of large scale and local events in the community
Consent to use our branding as an official supporter
What we will give in return
A presence of branding at our House of Lords
Exclusive reporting access from the House of Lords ministerial event
Access to exclusive news
Consent to use your branding and messaging on all of our websites and publicity and the app
But most of all
A feeling you have done something which delivers real social value in the communities you serve
For further details email Ellie@saferhighways.co.uk