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IPV strike results in long delays on A38 in Devon

There were long delays last Friday (2nd July) morning after a HGV struck an Impact Protection Vehicle (IPV) on the A38 Devon Expressway.

The incident, which took place close to Denbury at approximately 12.30 am, resulted in both vehicles suffering significant damage.

Thankfully there were no serious injuries with all parties involved walking away with minor cuts and bruises.

The incident happened after the vehicle struck the IPV which was guarding a crew taking part in verge trimming at the side of the expressway.

A statement from Ashburn Fire station said on social media,

"At around 12.30 this morning our colleagues and others from Bucklefastleigh Fire Station and the environment protection ... attended an RTC involving an LGV and a Highways Agency lorry working on the verge cutting grass."

"On arrival all persons from both vehicles were out and clear of the vehicles unharmed.

"Crews. made both vehicles safe by isolating the batteries and containing the spread of oil and fuel."

An eyewitness who drove past the scene at just before 9.30am the following morning indicated that there were still significant delays due to ongoing efforts to recover the vehicles.

The M&R contractor on areas's 1 &2 is Ringway who, alongside National Highways have been contacted for comment.

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