The 2025 Stamp It Out Summit will take place on March 11th at the Old Trafford Cricket Ground in Manchester.
The themes for the summit will be mental health and using technology to eliminate risk, which is central to the new Stamp It Out Strategy and phase 2 of the campaign.
The summit will form part of Respect Our Workforce Week 2025, which takes place from 10th-15th March 2025.
The Stamp It Out Summit will bring together key senior industry leaders to debate and discuss, process of the campaign as well as the key themes that mark phase two of the campaign.
Featuring a series of key, high profile (yet to be announced speakers) from across not only our own sector but also others where public facing employees are at significant risk of abuse from members of the public, the event is a must attend for all of those responsible for putting people to work on the public highways and across the transport sector.
Building on the huge success of last year's launch at the House of Lords, the Summit will examine the subject of abuse in much greater detail and look at strategies which employers and adopt and the support available from law enforcement agencies and broader society.
There will also be an exhibition where exhibitors will be asked to work to a theme-which is set to be announced over the next few weeks.