BCP becomes the latest local authority to adopt the Stamp it Out programme.
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole council have become the latest local authority to get behind the Stamp it Out programme.
Alongside neighbours Dorset council, BCP are to roll out the programme over the coming months and into the summer.
In a period where holiday traffic to the south coast is at a yearly high, interface with the road user is also naturally on the increase heightening the risk of abuse.
In a unique move, BCP council will not only roll out the programme amongst its highways workers, but also its Waste Collections, Seafront staff, Highways Inspectors and Street Cleansers.
Speaking about BCP's blanket adoption, Stamp it Out programme director expressed his delight that the authority have seen the benefits offered by the campaign across multiple sectors, he said,
"Naturally we are delighted when any local authority's highways team decide to adopt the Stamp it Out programme, and understand the benefits we can bring in workforce morale by making abuse something which is socially unacceptable.
"But for Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole to be adopting the approach across the majority of its public facing staff is somewhat .
"The team and I look forward to working with the authority over the coming months on the effective roll-out."