Traffic Group Signals

Traffic Group Signals manufacture and support the UK traffic management industry’s most advanced portable and temporary traffic signal products.
Part of The Traffic Group, Traffic Group Signals are a collective of specialist technology innovators in traffic management solutions, whose aim is to improve the worlds traffic and travel systems.
Traffic Group Signals (TGS) was formed in April 2019, combining over 100 years of knowledge and expertise from Pike Signals and Hollco. TGS are best known for our pioneering AutoGreen Technology, the only system proven to improve efficiency a roadworks by over 50% compared with traditional signals, and the only system capable of preventing the shuttle lane from becoming blocked. TGS are leading the way with well-designed, easy-to-use and reliable products that benefit both the traffic manager and road users, allowing their customers to focus on doing what they do best.
Traffic Group Signals offer a range of portable and temporary traffic signal products, which can be used from 2-way works up to complex, wireless UTC-integrated junction schemes. TGS have recently launched the Metro temporary traffic management system, which has been designed specifically for haul route crossings and high profile works, and have a number of much anticipated product releases planned throughout 2021.
Traffic Group Signals core mission is to provide customers with best-in-class traffic management equipment to make road works safer, greener and more efficient.